Malawi is known as the warm heart of Africa.
I met Helen, one of the founders of Reach Foundation UK, in 2021 and she inspired me to visit the home of the Pashello Charitable Trust in the southern district of Chikwawa where I stayed in April 2022.
I feel really privileged and moved to have seen the schools and feeding schemes, serving three hundred children and funded by the Reach Foundation UK, in action.
It was so wonderful to be welcomed into the vibrant and harmonious community and help them with their immensely beneficial work.
The humour, humility, grace, gentleness, and joy of the Malawian people is absolutely delightful to behold!
Thank you very much - Zikomo kwambini - to everyone who made my stay in Malawi possible. 💛🙂🇲🇼🙂💛
Below are some of the photos Dan took during his trip.