Make a Difference.

You can make a difference. It costs less than £2 to feed a child for a month, and 100% of your donations directly to our individual projects.

You can make a difference. It costs less than £2 to feed a child for a month, and 100% of your donations directly to our individual projects.

You can make a difference. It costs less than £2 to feed a child for a month, and 100% of your donations directly to our individual projects. You can make a difference. It costs less than £2 to feed a child for a month, and 100% of your donations directly to our individual projects.


Donate via PayPal using the make a donation button or by bank transfer to:

The Reach Foundation UK

Account Number 90196074

Sort Code 60-10-21

Buy A T-Shirt

Treat your families and friends to a new T-shirt that will feed a child in Malawi for a month! Go to for sustainable, organic cotton T-shirts printed in the UK in a renewable energy-powered factory.

The Reach Foundation has signed up to Teaming! Teaming is an online tool used to raise funds in favour of social causes with micro-donations of 1€ a month. The philosophy behind Teaming is based on the idea that 1€ does not have much of an impact if donated alone, but if we join forces, we can make beautiful projects possible! Please visit The Reach Foundation UK Teaming at

Thank you!